Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Raiding Tombs and Zip lines

So my first review of a game and I've got my sights on the the new Tomb Raider. I know we are early in the year but this game has GOTY written all over it. Initially I wasn't going to get this title on launch but after my unexpected enjoyment of Far Cry 3 I decided that it was worthy of my time, and I was totally right.

 Even if you are a pretty genre specific gamer, like I used to be, I can guarantee you will find something to love in this game. If you find shooters difficult and just want the adventure, just pop it on easy mode, you won't get your ass handed to you and you are free to roam those tombs without fear of a horrifically graphic death (I assure you the deaths are VERY graphic). If you're a seasoned shooter then getting specific achievements will keep you enthralled while on the hardest difficulty. RPG fans will love the story and character progression and men will just like the new Lara model. Two very memorable things may be smaller then in older games but her more realistic appearance makes her all the more attractive.

Back to those deaths and I'm telling you that if your squeamish then you best hope you can complete the game without a single death. Within the first five minutes I was crushed by a boulder, and I mean crushed, visibly. At one point I was sliding on my ass down a waterfall and due to the fact Lara wanted to wriggle about without me moving the analog stick I was impaled in the neck numerous times, over and over again. OK, fine I probably just sucked :D.

This game is just fun! I have an obsession, I think it started with Batman, where zip lines are awesome! Why is sitting on my settee pressing a button so thrilling? It's because who knows where that zip line leads. I could impale myself yet again, kill an enemy on a dismount or  turn that dismount into an awesome swing on a pole and then attach to a wall. OK that doesn't sound that awesome but I frakkin LOVE IT!

I completed this game with 100% of relics and challenges complete and it was well worth the money. The story is brilliant and the small nod to future Lara with the duel pistols makes this genuinely seem like the start of Lara Croft as a Tomb Raider. I do wonder what happened to all the wolves though as I'm pretty sure I didn't make them extinct in the first twenty minutes of the game.

This game is awesome. After 100% completing it I won't be going back to it anytime soon but I will play through it all again at a later date probably, it's a keeper.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

A Gamer Wedding

So last year I married the amazing Mr R. Here's just a couple photos from that amazing yet incredibly geeky day.