Friday, 24 January 2014

Will Mr. Jeremey ever find love?

6 months after the initial lend date and 65hours of playtime and I have finally completed Persona. Got to say I am feeling the Squenix love at the moment. I am now eager to get playing Persona 3! Considering I usually get a bit bored of the standard dungeon crawler I have to day this was awesome. Repetitive dungeon crawling was broken up with part time jobs, social links, education etc. And after some false endings I think I finally managed to get the ending I deserved after all that grinding :D
Awesome soundtrack and very replayable I recommend to anyone who loves a good story based RPG. This is one of those games with a lot of fan fiction going around about the suitable love interests for each character. In my opinion I have gone for a Rise-Teddie approach, classic Yosuke-Chie, Yukiko gets no-one(I don't like her), Mr Jeremey and hopefully a character from P3 and Kanji-Naoto. Favourite characters have to be Naoto and Kanji as the nice quirky comic relief, but also got a soft spot for Teddie. Dojima is a boss and the magical healing fox in an apron is super cute! The story concept for this game is so out there (yet awesome) I am seriously wondering how the hell someone came up with it.

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