Friday, 30 May 2014

Crisis Core

Got to love good guy Sephiroth! <3 I think so highly of this FF7 prequel as it fits in so well with the story of its sequel. At no point am I thinking 'well wut?' The numerous character cameos fit in perfectly and I saw a mention to the majority of characters from the franchise. Also Zack Fair is one of my favorite final fantasy character ever and is certainly in the top 5. Zack and Aerith belong together so I'm kind of glad they end up that way (and also increasingly saddened!) The end of this game gets me every time even though I know whats going to happen! Genesis is probably the weak point in this game, as the main antagonist his constant verbal diarrhea of the play Loveless makes me want to skip text (not a good thing in a game). I guess he has to be comparable to my silver haired Lothario though and that is not a fight you're gonna win. The vast amount of optional extra missions means I STILL haven't finished this game 100% (after about 4 completions) but the repetitiveness of these missions makes it quite a tedious task after a while. Still this game wins the award for SADDEST DEATH EVER! Like seriously sadder then Mufasa, and Bambi's mum.....I hate you squenix....Wow squenix you really aren't in my good books at the moment are you...

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