Saturday, 1 August 2015

Layton saga! - A village, a box, a future, a spectre and a mask

So in the past few months my completion record has gone wayyyy down but I'm completely blaming that on exams and also the amount of new hobbies I've picked up...if I could fit anymore in! But recently I started about a billion different games so the completions will start to filter in gradually! After exams I felt like my brain could do with some more stimulation so I picked up the first five layton games. To date I've only completed the first three but I thought they deserved a write up separate, as picking up spectres call feels like a different tale to tell. So I had completed curious village when it first came out as well as this run through so there weren't many surprises there for me. I had however forgot how hard some of these puzzles would be. Upon startng Pandoras box I was wary and cautious of even the simplest puzzle at the start, so much that I was tricking myself out of obvious answers that were 'entry level'. I guess thats the negative of running through the games one after the other, you have to realise the new game cartridge means back to basics. I hadn't felt like these games were more then just some puzzles to complete until the end of Lost future when I had to deal with THIS FACE! Oh god the feels! Now I love Layton more then any other gentleman and think all future games are worthy of more of my time!

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