Friday, 17 October 2014

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Curtain Call (Hopefully not)

My absolute go to game for filling a few minutes of spare time or when I'm unsure what to play was the original Theatrhythm and so having another one with even more songs (including 14 tracks) was amazing to me! As this game is likely an ongoing title for quite a few years I thought I would review it now. My favorite chibi characters were back with the addition of Y'shtola, Zack, Vivi and advent children Tifa as well as many others. All the best tracks were included...infact so many tracks were included I can't think of a single one that isn't....oh....except King Moggle Mogs tune....but I probably just haven't unlocked it :P

Best time filling game ever and I LOVE IT!

Thursday, 4 September 2014

It's a bit quiet on the gaming front but I finished a classic, Hey, Listen!

After purchasing our very own den of geek we are finally getting settled and I may have some free time to actually get some games played! As my commute to work is now ridiculous I needed something to fill my train journey and lunch hours with and so I turned to Ocarina of time for the 3DS. I finally finished a Zelda game! The reason this hasn't happened sooner is due to a Sony childhood, Zelda kind of went passed my radar till a few years ago. And now I'm picking it up in full force! Windwaker here I come! Anyway, Ocarina of time was the first game I got for my 3DS console and after rave reviews from Hubby seemed a good place to start. However I am now worried that I may have peeked too early.....and it might only get worse :/ because Ocarina of Time was frickin sweet!
Collecting heart pieces, hours exploring dungeonss for every chest and trying to figure out some of those tricksy ways to get things. Just brilliant. The dungeons were all so varied it never got tired and even though I had some complicated battles (purely through the lack of common sense) I battled my way through and had some VERY strong words to say to Ganon at the end.
Didn't manage to get my hands on that Bigoron sword though and don't think I will be playing through Master quest. Leave that one to the hubby :D
I did get a little sad that I had to make Link wear blue and red at points in this game...not a good look 
But seriously, whats with that fairy laugh from those pantyless whores?

Monday, 21 July 2014

Stefan and the Meteor!

Ok still playing this awesomeness! May have replaced WoW, BUT I think I just had the biggest fangirl moment of my life....the final boss in Syrcus tower....just EPIC! METEOR! love love love and earned my charming Goobue Stefan:

Mario Kart 8

So I still haven't quite found my perfect fit for a character (sorry weegi) but this is an extremely good game for hanging out with friends. All the tracks are fun and the playback at the end of the race can result in hilarious arguments (who shelled me!) Just good fun in short bursts :D From luigi death stare to daisys sexy leg, not much to say about this awesome classic. Some VERY close races between shy guy and myself though...very....

Also still mourning the loss of a race when my controller battery died a meter from the finish line...Hubby shouting 'WHY ARE YOU STOPPING!'

Friday, 30 May 2014

Crisis Core

Got to love good guy Sephiroth! <3 I think so highly of this FF7 prequel as it fits in so well with the story of its sequel. At no point am I thinking 'well wut?' The numerous character cameos fit in perfectly and I saw a mention to the majority of characters from the franchise. Also Zack Fair is one of my favorite final fantasy character ever and is certainly in the top 5. Zack and Aerith belong together so I'm kind of glad they end up that way (and also increasingly saddened!) The end of this game gets me every time even though I know whats going to happen! Genesis is probably the weak point in this game, as the main antagonist his constant verbal diarrhea of the play Loveless makes me want to skip text (not a good thing in a game). I guess he has to be comparable to my silver haired Lothario though and that is not a fight you're gonna win. The vast amount of optional extra missions means I STILL haven't finished this game 100% (after about 4 completions) but the repetitiveness of these missions makes it quite a tedious task after a while. Still this game wins the award for SADDEST DEATH EVER! Like seriously sadder then Mufasa, and Bambi's mum.....I hate you squenix....Wow squenix you really aren't in my good books at the moment are you...

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Mirrors Edge

Due to my undisputed satisfaction of gliding down ziplines in Farcry 3 and Tomb Raider I thought this game would be right up my ally. Unfortunately due to its confusion of whether it wanted to be a shooter or a free running game it didn't quite hit home. In fact I could feel the torrents of geek rage trying to be unleashed as I fell to my death...a lot. The tutorial gives you a brief combat run through in case you need it and then spends a long time showing you all the moves of free running, but towards the end of the game combat is a necessity and with the little practice I had, found it quite difficult. There was also one bastard move where you run on a wall and jump to a platform opposite that appeared about 500 times throughout the story. Without being able to do this you can't progress and most the time it required some haste in doing so. Still a good game for my free running feeling but the story felt a bit weak and I didn't really feel any connection with any of the characters. Faiths character design is pretty awesome but I don't remember anyone else except some guy named Hope...but I think that kind of stuck there from the last game I completed....meh.

Monday, 26 May 2014

Lightning Returns

I don't know why I have named this post Lightning returns as clearly the only game involving Lightning is Final Fantasy XIII. And a game I really enjoyed. Brilliant story, nice ending, everything makes sense and I have a bad ass half cape that can't be ruined with the addition of giant neon butterfly wings. But more about this awesome stand alone game when I complete it again. In fact this post is irrelevant as I am not quite sure what game I did finish...It certainly wasn't a conclusive ending to Lightning and her companions as that ALREADY HAPPENED! But it was a nice battle system and many quests....involving light, hope, god and massive neon pink swords carved from the corpses of extinct species. But where did my awesome sunglasses go!!???

Monday, 12 May 2014

Laughed for hours....

So me and hubby had a competition when we were drunk to see who could send each other the 'best internet' in the time it took 'Do you want to build a snowman' from frozen to was a weird night....he won...

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Bravely Default - UNACCEPTABLE! -but actually really awesome

So first I just have to mention how much the female protagonist reminds me of the earl of lemongrab! Seriously not everything in the world is unacceptable you whiny woman :D
OK so best ever 3DS RPG. Totally amazing and graphically one of the best 3D games so far, amazing soundtrack and interesting characters.
Ringabel, apart from having a stupid name is one of my faves, the typical womanizing young man. Edea is the feisty attention of his affections who always knocks him back. In fact I kind of wish these two were the main characters because Tiz has the personality of a plank and Agnes is naive and brain washed and doesn't really care about anyone but crystals and her fairy(big mistake love). Even with the nonexistant personality of these characters I still LOVED this game and story.
The job roles were diverse and interesting and made it hellishly complicated for me to decide what role everyone suited. In the end I finally had Edea as a ninja duel wielding magic swords. Ringabell went through an attractive thief outfit to finishing as my dragoon style dark knight (story made sense to go there). Agnes was magicsy and Tiz went from paladin to healer.
The only issue is towards the end of the game was a very repetitive scenario that was good for grinding but it kind of got a bit annoying. I prefer this kinds of situations to be optional and not thrust upon me in my story. This way I know when I can finish and carry on but because I didn't know how long it would take to get through I rushed through it.

Absolutely loved the little play on words with the title at the end and still works with the original title of Flying Fairy as well as where the fairy flies.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Virtues Last Reward...Virtue is a dick

After seeing Cass playing the prequel to this game I was quite intrigued to give it a go myself, I somehow managed to completley forget that I wanted to play it until this sequel came out however so thought I would give it a go.
During the first few hours of gameplay I was thinking that I was heading into some crazy horror 'Saw' kind of scenario, this facade kept up for quite a while until you realize there is some timey wimey kind of stuff happening and it turns out what you thought was an insane rabbit set on murder is actually an elaborate scheme to save the world.
So there's a crazy pink hippy rabbit trapping nine people in an abandoned facility and they have to escape rooms and be badass at game theory and basically get nine points to escape. Once the escape hatch opens though everyone else is trapped indefinatley. This rabbit loves the number weird....
You have the basic protagonist male, Sigma...student...bit of alright....lets be friends and save everyone..and also the main female protagonist, Phi...bit of alright and moody (because that 'I'm gonna kick you in the balls if you speak to me' kind of look is what all the guys want nowadays apparently. There's Alice the bitch dressed as an egyptian prostitute, Clover the ditsy sidekick, Dio the 'circus ringleader' who I must admit is an absolute knobhead, Tetsu...someone...grumpy oldman, Quark the annoying brat, Luna the charming nurse and K the mystery armor man, who is actually pretty awesome in this line up. Surprisingly the game was actually pretty good, even with this mass of utterly balls characters, I guess they worked in a team dynamic.
Overall nice escape the room game that got me thinking and took up a surprising amount of time. If I have to see any more electronic doors open and me travelling as a little dot on a map again, I think I might throw my DS in the canal though...

Friday, 24 January 2014

Will Mr. Jeremey ever find love?

6 months after the initial lend date and 65hours of playtime and I have finally completed Persona. Got to say I am feeling the Squenix love at the moment. I am now eager to get playing Persona 3! Considering I usually get a bit bored of the standard dungeon crawler I have to day this was awesome. Repetitive dungeon crawling was broken up with part time jobs, social links, education etc. And after some false endings I think I finally managed to get the ending I deserved after all that grinding :D
Awesome soundtrack and very replayable I recommend to anyone who loves a good story based RPG. This is one of those games with a lot of fan fiction going around about the suitable love interests for each character. In my opinion I have gone for a Rise-Teddie approach, classic Yosuke-Chie, Yukiko gets no-one(I don't like her), Mr Jeremey and hopefully a character from P3 and Kanji-Naoto. Favourite characters have to be Naoto and Kanji as the nice quirky comic relief, but also got a soft spot for Teddie. Dojima is a boss and the magical healing fox in an apron is super cute! The story concept for this game is so out there (yet awesome) I am seriously wondering how the hell someone came up with it.